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Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Hebdowskiej Hebdów

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Hebdów

Słoneczny dzień. Po środku jasny, murowany kościół z dwiema wieżami z sygnaturkami po bokach, z dachem pokrytym dachówką, z podcieniami z boku. Po prawej jego stronie dobudowane dwukondygnacyjne budynki z dachami też pokrytymi dachówką. Przed kościołem parking ze stojącymi samochodami. Na około drzewa. Dalej pola i łąki. Niebo z niewielkimi jasnymi chmurami..

Hebdów 110, 32-120 Nowe Brzesko Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 123852105
tel. +48 503903994
The beginning of the monastery dates back to 1146: it was then that Premonstratensians were brought to Hebdów. In a few years, the monks built a Romanesque church. Its relics can be seen to this day in the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A grand redevelopment and reconstruction of the church and monastery was conducted in the years 1640–1727, which is why the current building is in the late baroque style. A hundred years later, Russian authorities liquidated the monastery and removed the Premonstratensians. Today, the hosts of the place are the Piarist fathers. The Blessed Virgin has been veneratedhere for centuries in the fi gure of Our Lady with Infant Jesus, sculpted in lime wood in the 14th century. The fi gure is situated in a special niche in the main altar. Among the votive off erings laid at the feet of Mary, there is the white skullcap (zuchetto) and the papal rosary that Pope John Paul II offered Her in 2004. The festivals observed in the Sanctuary include the Feast of the Apostles St Peter and St Paul (29th June), and 15th August – the Feast of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. At the sanctuary, there is the Centre of Faith and Culture (www.wiaraikultura.pl)

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