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Kościół świętego Wojciecha Kraków

The Church of St. Adalbert in Krakow

Słoneczny dzień. Niewielki murowany kościółek nakryty dachem w kształcie kopuły z sygnaturką. Z dużymi drzwiami i okrągłym małym oknem. Przed nim dwa drzewa i grupka ludzi. Za nim wysokie kamienice, po lewej za dużym placem murowana z cegły, fasada kościoła z dwiema wysokimi wieżami, z lewej wyższą ze smukłą wieżyczką, z prawej niższą z baniastym hełmem i sygnaturką. Po jego lewej stronie wysokie kamienice. Niebo prawie bezchmurne.

Rynek Główny 2, 31-042 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 124227100
This inconspicuous little church located on the Main Square is one of the oldest in Krakow.

The history of this small church is connected to the fate of Poland and the story of St. Adalbert, who died a martyr's death in 997. His canonisation took place just two years later, so the first church under his name may have been built as early as at the turn of the 10th and 11th centuries. A small temple stood near the "St. Adalbert spring" by the road to the Wawel Hill. The present Romanesque church was built at the beginning of the 12th century. The church was rebuilt many times and now combines Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque features. Of the Romanesque fragments, stonework elements have been preserved: the angled windows, the portal and part of the wall made of stone blocks. In the lower part of the church, we can see an exhibition on the underground history of the Market Square. If there, one should take opportunity to see the reconstructed wooden church of St. Adalbert and the exhibits found by archaeologists.

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